Wednesday 11 May 2011

Today has been one in which I aspire to avoid all mirrors.

Even though that sounds RIDICULOUSLY vain.

I haven't blogged in quite a while, I've been quite the busy bee. When I say busy I mean I've done a lot of this:

and even more of this:

But it's all with good reason... I got a job! A real life one!

And it's killing me. Slowly but surely. My brain has given up completely, fact retention levels are currently at about, erm... erm... ZERO. This is not what you want when starting a new job and one which requires mental fortitude rather than mental flatulence. I'm permanently in the land of nod. It's rubbish. It's most definitely not helped by the twenty five hour commute I have to partake in on a daily basis (in this instance 25 hours = two 2 hour trips, clearly) or the fact that I miss spending time with my boy (vom!)

The plus side is pockets full of shiny silver, and so without a doubt I've made quite the list of insanely prudent definitely life saving things to purchase:

I've made it my BIG GOAL to return to the world of drawing, sewing and all the delights inbetween, it being a surefire way to feeling better and stretching my noggin. I've already started on a couple of mini projects, so they should appear in the near future!

A bientot!