Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Polaris :)

My kitty cat has, quite possibly, the loudest purr in the world. And it's definitely one of my favourite things, laying next to him infront of the fire whilst he revvs like an old motorcycle. Even if he did just put a wet muddy pawprint on my cream skirt...

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Well. I've decided this Android app is useless. I've made two posts in the last week from my phone (I've hardly been at home and mainly residing in a house void of internet) neither of which have actually made it. I don't know where they've gone to. Lost in cyberspace. One of them was quite long too. Growl. 

My jeans - which I am actually quite fond of - have developed a threadbare patch that will only become a hole very soon. In the bottom. Double growl.

There seems to be a beansprout shortage. I'd really like some beansprouts. Please? Triple growl.

There's only really one solution to the growling. Unabashed coveting. I've had a very etsy-filled day, finding far too many things that I would like. I did treat myself to these lovely fellows from helloperator though:

My food has never been so well seasoned!

There's so much want going on that it's even organised into handy little sections! Go me and my lack of a life haha

Homely Pleasures

Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

In no logical order, I have a thing for old fashioned oil lamps. I really like boxes (it's actually an addiction) and teacups. The rare books wall vinyl I really really want because I'm a serious book-aholic (it's worse than the boxes) and the thing I look forward to most when I move out of my paternal abode (if this means my dad's house, for that's what I'm aiming for) is my library, so I'd like to put it in the general vicinity. I thought maybe I could stick it onto a canvas instead of a wall?? Hm. The glass bottles and the old phone I have no reason to love, I just do. I mean who can't love that telephone??! Impossible.

Jewels and Fancies

Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

N'awwww. Look at that little robot dude. I actually LOVE him. Cute as pie (is pie even cute
I dont have much to say about these, they're just fancies that take my fancy.

Treats for my feets

Source: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

Ankle boots <3

Miscellaniousiousious :)
Source 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8

A random assortment of everything else. I didnt know what the pinbadge should fit into, but its awesome! I'm also not entirely sure of the plaid trousers. I'm fighting a battle with myself!

Top of my want list is this Lulu Guinness Birdcage Umbrella. (It's not a member of the etsy gang)
Hopefully, there'll be less growling from here-on-out! In a bit!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Telephone play and rest and clay

Well. Blogger tells me this is a super duper all singing all dancing app for me android, so I'm having a play. Although theres no singing or dancing as of yet... (also all I can do is post, I was hoping I could peruse other blogs with more ease on the go but maybe I'm being greedy!)
Nevertheless I dunny know what it'll turn out like so apologies if it's a bit, well, pants!
On another note, I completed my 'stay awake all night' mission with what I think was reasonable success. Although I am slightly undoing my good work now as it's post 2am. I'm letting myself off however as I'm in bed and super sleepy so zzzs are fast approaching! I also made several pairs of purdi earrings before I went a bit mad and started making soppy paraphernalia dedicated to squint and myself out of wire. Photos of the ear jewels will follow shortly :)
Excitingly, back in June a couple of friends and I took part in an art project in which 5000 members of the public each made a clay figure to be exhibited en masse in our cathedral, and now they're on display! We saw them last week, entitled 'Harvesting Hopes and Memories', although sadly, I couldn't find mine.

Anyway, now it's sleep time! Night!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Tick Tock..

..poor mis-aligned body clock.

Somehow, since becoming a member of the unemployed I've done some serious switching around of my body clock. My last night's(!) sleep took place between 6:30am and 1:30pm (I only woke this early due to continuous harrassing phonecalls from the squint telling me to stop being lazy). This does not bode well for job hunting. Or any kind of productive activity. I've tried (several times) to correct it by forcing myself to get up early despite only falling asleep two hours previously. This has been a disaster - I'm not well known for my getting out of bed abilities.

So, cue new tack. The best way to not sleep in is to not go to bed at all, right? Then tomorrow night (tonight?) I'll be so tired I'll go to sleep at a normal time and BAM, the rightful order of Laura will be restored.
I wouldn't hold your breath...

I am however slightly worried by this article that I found when researching body clocks. I never actually thought sleeping through the day and waking through the night had any great affect on human health! How wrong was I...

Anyway on a positive note, despite having less than half the day at my disposal I've managed to put it to bloody good use. I've made my appointment at the jobcentre (eurgh, good job it's later today and I'll be too numb to notice I'm there), paid my overdue phone bill (I got cut off - oopsies), and sorted my bedroom which has been an actual heap (an actual disaster zone) since way before Christmas. I even did my filing. The only thing I wanted to do but didn't was sort my craft heap out, but that can wait for another day :) I'm happy enough being able to sit on my bedroom floor haha. Plus it'll be nice to be able to find my belongings in a hurry.

Now I'm going to go make some earrings to keep me awake (although as of yet I'm not tired in the slightest!). I'll keep you updated with my progress later

In a bit!

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Growl. Weep. _ _ _ _ _ _

I'm having a minor grump. I appear to have forgotten how to write. I mean I've never been amazing at the whole words to paper via brain and fingers thing, but today I really am drawing a blank. For approximately 5 hours I've been sat here trying to write a few words to sum up a book I've just read (admittedly watching TV and eating bolognaise at the same time) and all I've managed to come up with is garbage. And not even garbage that manages to express what I want to say in the slightest. Basically this book: really rather good. Although it wasn't entirely what I was expecting. It's mainly the style in which it's written - first person from the main character, Miranda Silver, her twin brother Eliot, best friend Ore, and, cleverly, the large mysterious house which holds Miranda and former generations of Silver women captive within its walls - that makes it such a pleasing read, the house's motive being, in my opinion, the most surprising aspect of this gothic tale.

Somehow that was a little bit easier after my rant, haha. I still feel _ _ _ _ _